Remote Building Energy Management is an Application Service that provides a 24*7 "window" into the operation and management of your buildings mechanical systems.
A software application delivery model where a vendor hosts and operates a software application for use by its customers over the Internet. Customers do not pay for owning the software itself but rather for using it.
An ASP is the vendor (Simpson Controls) who hosts the software application.
Building Automation System software.
Our enterprise level Building Automation System (BAS) software will automatically restore your mechanical systems to proper scheduled operation upon their return from a power bump/failure anytime day or night...without any user intervention.
Trips to site are expensive for the customer. Now that your building is more remotely accessible to our experienced technicians, we can more effectively troubleshoot online first and then determine if we need to go to site.
You can not fix what you can not see. Our web based graphical interface allows you "see" what is going in the building(s) in real time and from anywhere.
We educate you as to what building alarm conditions are and then ask you to identify who needs to know what and when. Our system can email, page or text anyone anytime.
We can literally see your computer screen without having to physically sit beside you, and we can take control of your screen and mouse. This means you can receive more meaningful training on the "fly".
Traditionally a "hot" topic whereby the facility manager feels that his/her hand is forced to pay for expensive software upgrades. These vendor upgrades are then met with resistance and/or additional cost by the internal IT department for support. With our service, the facility manager does not have to worry about the cost of software upgrades nor the ability to support them...because we provide both on a continual basis.
Quite simply, our BAS software (provided by Siemens Building Technologies) is researched and developed to handle the largest and most complex facilities in the world.
Simpson Controls will be happy to make remote adjustments to your system schedules in an effort to optimize your facilities' energy use. For example, a common request is to schedule equipment into "night mode" when it is known that an area will be vacant for a period of time.
Please contact us for more information on Remote Building Energy Management.
You can only manage what you measure. View case studies of our systems' implementation and learn how DDC can save you money...
"Simpson Controls was involved in the DDC aspect of our recent HVAC upgrade. We appreciated their conscientious effort to meet our needs, communicate with us, and the thorough manner in which questions were answered. They have a wealth of practical knowledge which they are applying to our system as they continue to fine tune it."
John Franken
Bulkley Valley Christian High School